Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Vol 7 / nr 62 / Göteborg, Sweden

Johan writes: We were visiting a small art exhibition in Helsinki and while looking for a painting to buy when we found a letter marked "To you, whoever you are". Now we have two paintings hanging on our wall; also the one called "Message in a bottle II".

Oh, thank you ever so much, Johan!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Vol 7 / nr 3 / Raahe, Finland

Riina löysi vedoksen Raahen Prisman ilmoitustaululta! Se on meillä nyt kotona kehyksissä vitriinissä. Ihana projekti,  kesti hetken ennen kuin uskalsi kirjeen avata ja sieltä paljastui ihana ylläri!

Riina found the print on the bulletin board at supermarket Prisma in Raahe, Finland. It is now at our home, framed in a vitrine. A wonderful project, it took a while before I had to courage to open the letter, and a wonderful surprise was exposed!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Vol 7 / nr 86 / Kuopio, Finland

Nora kertoo löytäneensä kirjeen Jyväskylän taidemuseosta museokaupassa olevan vihkon alta: Kiertelin kaupassa ja kävelin kirjeen ohi useamman kerran ennen kuin uskalsin ottaa sen mukaan. Kylläpäs oli ihana, päivää piristävä yllätys kirjeessä. Aivan mahtava projekti! Aion kehystää printin ja ripustaa seinälle huoneeseeni. Tummansini-harmaa onkin lempivärini ja rakastan teetä.

Nora tells that she found the envelope under one notebook at the Jyväskylä Art Museum Shop: I was touring around in the shop and I walked pass the envelope several times before I had the courage to pick it up. It was a wonderful, day cheering surprise. What a great project! I will frame the print and place it in my wall in my room. Grayish dark blue is my favourite colour and I love tea!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Vol 7 / nr 60 / Helsinki, Finland

Kenneth found the print, a couple of weeks ago in Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, where I was looking for a book "How to hygge": The Blue cup of tea, as pictured in the print, fits perfect to this time of year, and the concept of Hygge. The print is now in his office...where we host a small art exhibit parallell to our Business of being Real Estate Agents.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Vol 7 / nr 49 / Helsinki, Finland

Heikki löysi kirjeen Akateemisesta kirjakaupasta: Oli mukava saada viesti ja viehättävä vedos aiemmin tuntemattomalta taiteilijalta. Pidän vedoksen itse, luultavasti kehystytän ja laitan seinälle. "An evenig tea" tuntuu mukavalta ajatukselta, vaikka olen kyllä kahvi-ihminen.

Heikki found the envelope at the Academic Book Store in Helsinki: It was nice to receive the letter and charming print from an artist previously unknown. I will keep the print myself, probably I'll frame it and put on the wall. I find 'An evening tea'  a pleasant thought, although I'm a coffee drinker myself.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Vol 7 / nr 45 / Helsinki, Finland

Marko kertoo, että hänen kuusivuotias Nea-tyttönsä löysi kirjeen Kämp-gallerian istuimen selkänojalta: Vedos on laitettu raameihin ja on saanut paikan lastenhuoneen seinältä.

Marko tells that his six-year old daughter Nea found the envelope in Helsinki Kämp gallery shopping centre, on the back rest of the couch: The print has been since framed and found it's place at the wall of the childrens' room.