Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Vol 7 / nr 28 / Jyväskylä, Finland

Anna ja Annina menivät löysivät kirjeen mennessään lounaalle. Anna kertoo: Pidimme tätä ilahduttavana yllätyksenä ja  vedosta ainutkertaisena. Päätimme, että otan vedoksen, ja saa nähdä, pidänkö sen itse, vai annanko jollekin muulle. Pidän vedoksen väreistä, joten ehkä kehystän sen ja pidän itse :)

Anna and Annina found an envelope containing a letter and artwork as they were going to get some lunch. Anna writes: We thought this was a really delightful surprise and fun to think that the print is one-of-a-kind. We decided that I'll take the print and see if I'm going to keep it or give it to someone else. I love the print's colors and aesthetics so I might frame it and keep it. :)

Monday, February 27, 2017

Vol 7 / nr 84 / Jyväskylä, Finland

Jonna löysi kirjeen yliopiston kirjastosta. Hän kirjoittaa: Se tuntui todella henkilökohtaiselta, vaikka löytäjä olisi voinut olla kuka tahansa. Myös teos tuntui jotenkin henkilökohtaiselta, koska olen yöeläjä, joka inspiroituu yöaikaan ja rakastaa teetä! Se ei voi olla sattumaa?

Jonna found the envelope from entrance hall of university library. She writes: It felt really personal eventhough it could have been anyone who could have have it. Somehow artwork also felt very personal because I'm a "nightowl" who gets inspired at night time and loves tea! It can't be coincidence?

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Vol 3 / nr 83 / Niš, Serbia

At one Sunday evening I received email from Lazar who found the print when he was on his excursion in high school - many years ago: It's been literally years since I've found the print. [...] Counting the years, that makes it 4 or 5 years ago! Being a teenager, I completely forgot about it and I've seen the envelope today. I thought I was probably way too late but the web-site is still active, to my surprise.

The print's been with me this long, so I'm leaving it with me. Only this time, I'm leaving it on my desk instead of hidden in the depths of my bookshelf.

It's an interesting project. I'm not much of a traveler myself though, but I'm always fascinated to hear about different cultures.